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Play cribbage tournaments online
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Posted by BoggledMind (VIP) 12 Jun 2022 3:48pm

I really wish players would just resign when they feel they can't win, rather than disconnecting on purpose. Very poor sportsmanship.

Oh no....
Posted by MAB (moderator) 12 Jun 2022 3:55pm

I completely agree. Not only poor sportsmanship but also shows a lack of respect for other players and the TD. It holds up a tournament for extra un-necessary minutes. But that isn't even my main concern.

We have seen un-necessary delays in other games for years. But NEVER in Cribbage. What's going on here?

When disconnecting
Posted by gjamies1 14 Jun 2022 10:51am

Surely, you still get the win, just the inconvenience of having to wait 90 seconds, damn annoying though, I do agree with you.

Totally Agree
Posted by ChrisCrossed (moderator) 9 Jul 2022 10:28pm

Very much disrespect to everyone in the tourney.. And in such an honorable game. So sad that some players choose that just for spite. Much more powerful to take your loss.. thank the other player and TD and exit gracefully.

Posted by MAB (moderator) 10 Jul 2022 1:48pm

In our ladder tournaments there is a wait time of 5 minutes before taking a win. Many times waiting 5 min for that one player holds up the entire tournament.

Posted by CribCutee123 12 Jul 2022 7:13pm

I agree that it is very childish.

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Play cribbage tournaments online

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