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Good For a Chuckle
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Good For a Chuckle
Posted by PEGASUS (VIP) 31 Jul 2004 5:57pm

Two Jewish men, 'Sid' and 'Al' were sitting in a
Mexican restaurant.

Sid asked Al, 'Are there any people of our faith
born and raised in Mexico?'

Al replied, 'I don't know, let's ask our waiter.'

When the waiter came by, Al asked him, 'Are
there any Mexican Jews?' and the waiter said,
'I don't know Senor, I'll go ask the cooks.'

He returned from the kitchen in a few minutes and
said 'No sir, no Mexican Jews.' Al wasn't really
satisfied with that and asked, 'Are you absolutely

The waiter, realizing he was dealing with 'Gringos'
gave the expected answer, 'I will check again,
and went back into the kitchen.

While the waiter was away, Sid said, 'I find it
hard to believe that there are no Jews in Mexico.
Our people are scattered everywhere.'

The waiter returned and said, 'Senor, the head cook
says 'No Mexican Jews!'

'Are you certain?' Al asked once again, 'I can't
believe there are no Mexican Jews!'

'Senor, I ask EVERYONE,' replied the exasperated
waiter.'We have Orange Jews, Prune Jews, Tomato
Jews, and Grape Jews, but no one ever hear of
Mexican Jews!

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