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It's now:   Oct 22, 1:49pm EST

Posted by PEGASUS (VIP) 23 Nov 2004 11:59am

Anyone that knew Jack could have told you he was destined for greatness. From the time he was a child he was always busy creating things with his hands. At the age of 11 he designed and built a model crane. When he was thirteen, he developed his own battery-operated car. As a teenager he became fascinated with films and purchased his own camera to create home movies.

This was no average youth. This young man had talent oozing out of every pore. But it wasn’t until he joined the Navy as a pilot that he truly discovered his ultimate passion, flying. Jack loved to soar through the clouds in his Navy plane and once described the feeling as “angelic.”

But it was on the ground one night that his life would change forever. On his way home after a day of flight training, Jack was driving when a car crossed lanes and smashed into him. He barely survived, but his legs were damaged terribly and his career in aviation was over in an instant.

Needless to say, Jack had every right to be despondent. He had found his life’s calling, his first love, only to have it taken away through no fault of his own. But Jack didn’t despair. Instead, he threw himself into his rehabilitation. It was while swimming in rehab one day that he first tried on a pair of goggles. Fascinated by the water, he began to find ways to combine his creative hands with his love for photography.

The result was that he combined with another inventor to create the aqualung, a device for allowing divers to remain safely underwater for extended periods of time. He purchased a retired minesweeper named Calypso and converted it into a marine research vessel with unique photographic capability. Over the course of the next few decades Jack would produce more than 115 films, write more than 100 books and win numerous awards. But more than that he would rouse the consciousness of the citizens of earth to the fragile beauty of the underwater world of the ocean.

You have now heard of the young man who thought his life’s calling had been taken away. You have heard how quite accidentally his crushed legs pointed him in a new direction, a direction that opened the door for him to become one of the most important scientists of the century. But now you know how Jack, or Jacques, as his mother called him at birth, became the ambassador of the ocean. You know him as Jacques Cousteau.

When God closes a door, he always opens a window.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Play gin-rummy tournaments online

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