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we bulls
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we bulls
Posted by utahma (VIP) 1 Jan 2006 10:53am

A bunch of cows and bulls were standing in a field. A huge gust of wind came along and all the cows fell over, but the bulls just stood there, bracing themselves against the gale.

So all the cows stood up and brushed themselves off and went back to their business. Pretty soon, a tornado blew through and all the cows were knocked to the ground again, and yet again, the bulls just continued munching on grass.

The third time, a hurricane blew through and all the cows were knocked into the next pasture. The bulls just said 'moo.'

Finally one of the cows walked up to one of the bulls and said, 'Moo. What's the Mooing deal? How come the wind always knocks us for a big Mooing loop while you just stand there unharmed?'

The bull replied, 'Moo. Isn't it obvious? We bulls wobble, but we don't fall down.'

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