red mahjong - Hemp Sparrow -         注文の多い料理店
red mahjong - Hemp Sparrow -     The Restaurant of Many Orders
by Kenji Miazawa   translated by RedMahjong
二人の若い紳士が、すっかりイギリスの兵隊のような恰好をして、ぴかぴかする鉄砲をかついで、白熊のような犬を二匹つれて、 だいぶ山奥の、木の葉のかさかさしたとこを、こんなことを言いながら、歩いていました。




Two young gentlemen in British military-style uniforms carried shiny guns over their shoulders as they walked through the rustling leaves deep in the mountains. They were accompanied by their two white dogs that looked like polar bears.

"What on earth? These mountains are weird. There's not a single bird or animal. I just want to shoot at something, don’t care at what: bang, bang!”

“It would be so much fun to land a couple of shots into a deer’s flank! I can just picture a deer spinning around and then dropping down with a thud."

The two gentlemen were very deep in the mountains, so deep that their guide, a professional hunter, was completely lost and wandered off somewhere.

それに、あんまり山がおそろしいので、 その白熊のような犬が、二匹一緒にめまいを起こして、 しばらくうなって、それから泡を吐いて死んでしまいました。


To make matters worse, the forest was so scary that both polar bear-like dogs fainted, howled for a while and then foamed at the mouths and died.

"I lost 2,400 yen." said one of the gentlemen, turning his dog’s eyelids back lightly.

"I lost 2,800 yen." said the other and shook his head in frustration.




「それじゃ、これで切り上げよう。 なあに、戻りに、昨日の宿屋で、山鳥やまどりを十円で買って帰ればいい。」


The first gentleman's face looked pale as he turned to the other gentleman and said:

"I think I'll be going back already."

"I’m starting to feel cold and hungry myself, so I think I’ll go back with you."

"Let's call it a day, then. And on the way back we can buy a pheasant to take home for 10 yen at inn we stayed in yesterday."

"They had rabbits too, right? So it will all balance out in the end. Let's go home then?"






Much to their annoyance, however, the two gentlemen had no idea at all which way to go.

A gust of wind blew, the grass swished, the leaves rustled, the trees creaked and screeched.

“I am starving. I've had an unbearable pain in my side for a while.”

"Me too. I don't feel like walking anymore.”

"Me neither. Ah, this is bad, I just want to eat something.”

"Oh, I really want to eat something!”



そして玄関には RESTAURANT 西洋料理店 WILDCAT HOUSE 山猫軒という札がでていました。






The two gentlemen continued to talk as they walked through the swishing pampas grass.

When they happened to look back, they saw a fine Western-style house.

Above the front door there was a sign that said: Western-style restaurant Wildcat House.

"Perfect. The place is way civilized for a mountain. Why don't we go in."

"Huh, isn't it strange to find a restaurant in a place like this?"

"In any case, I expect we'll be able to get a meal."

"Of course we’ll be able to. The sign says so."

"Let's go in, shall we? I'm so hungry, I'm about to collapse."








The two stood at the entrance hall.

The entrance was decorated with Seto city bricks and looked really splendid.

There was a glass door and the notice on the door was in gold letters:

"Please come in. Everyone is welcome. No need to hesitate at all."

The two gentlemen perked up and one of them said:

"Would you look at that, amazing how things work out in this world! Nothing but trouble all day today but now things turned out great!

This place is a restaurant but apparently they'll treat us for free!"

"Seems like it. That's what 'Don't hesitate at all' must mean.”










They pushed open the door and went in. On the other side was a corridor. On the back of the glass door they saw a notice in gold letters:

"Plump guests and young guests are most welcome!

Seeing that the two of them were most welcome, the two gentlemen were overjoyed. "Look, we are most welcome!" "Since we are both fat and young!"
They walked briskly along the corridor and came to another door, this time painted light blue.

"What a strange place! I wonder why there are so many doors."

"It’s the Russian style. It's always like this in cold places or in the mountains."

They were just about to open the door, when they spotted a notice in yellow letters above the door that said:

"This restaurant has many orders, please kindly understand that.”

“This place is pretty popular for the mountains.”





「うん、これはきっと注文があまり多くて 支度が手間取るけれどもごめん下さいということだ。」





"But of course. Look, even in Tokyo only a few of the large restaurants are on the main streets, right?"

As they were talking, they opened the door. The notice on the other side of the door said:

"There really are quite a lot of orders but we ask you to please be patient.

"Now what on earth does that mean?" said one young gentleman with a frown.

"Mm – Perhaps it means they are sorry that it'll take a while to prepare the food because they have too many orders.

"Yeah, probably. I just want to get into some kind of room soon."

"And I just want to sit at a table.”

There was, however, yet another door and by the side of it hung a mirror and below it they saw a brush with a long handle. The notice on the door in red letters read:

"Dear guests, please comb your hair and clean the mud off of your shoes here."







"Classy! Earlier at the entrance I underestimated this place since it's up in the mountains."

"They are strict about good manners. They probably often host important people here."

They two gentlemen neatly combed their hair and got the mud off their shoes.

To their surprise, the moment they put the hairbrush back on board, it blurred and disappeared, and a gust of wind blew through the room.

The two gentlemen startled, huddled together, flung the door open and went into the next room.

They felt weak with hunger and feared they were about to faint unless they had some warm food right away.







「仕方ない、とろう。 たしかによっぽどえらいひとなんだ。 奥に来ているのは」

On the other side of the door there was another strange notice: "Please place your guns and ammunition here."

Looking inside, they found a black stand by the door.
"That makes sense – it’s bad manners to eat with a gun at your side.

"Huh, a lot of very important people must be here."

They unstrapped their guns, took off their leather belts, and put them on the stand.

There was yet another door, a black one with a notice that read: "Please kindly remove your hats, overcoats and boots."

"What do you think? Should we?"
"We have no choice. Let's do it. They really must be very grand, the people in the back rooms."
The gentlemen hung their hats and overcoats on pegs and took off their shoes and walked on through the door.



金属のものはあぶない。ことに尖ったものはあぶないということだろう。」 「そうだろう。 こうして見ると勘定は帰りにここで払うのだろうか。」「どうもそうらしい。」






「これはね、外がひじょうに寒いだろう。 部屋の中があんまり暖いとひびが切れるから、その予防なんだ。どうも奥には、よほどえらいひとが来ている。 こんなとこで、案外ぼくらは、貴族とちかづきになるかもしれないよ。」

A notice on the other side of the door read: "Tie pins, cufflinks, glasses, wallets and any other metal, especially sharp objects - Please leave them all here.”

Right next to the door was a fine vault painted black with its door left open. Even a key was placed next to it.

"Aha! I imagine they use electricity for cooking something. Metal things are dangerous. Especially sharp things are dangerous. That's what they mean.”

"I suppose so. From what I see, I wonder if we are to pay the bill here on the way out."

"Seems like it."

"Yeah. That must be it."

They took off their glasses and their cufflinks and so on, put everything in the safe, and clicked the lock shut.

After that they came to another door and saw a glass jar in front of it.

On the door it said: “Please put the cream from the jar all over your face, hand and feet.”

Looking in the jar, they found that it really was filled with cream made of milk.
"Why do they want us to put on the cream?"
"Well, this is because it's very cold outside, right? If the room is too warm inside, this may prevent the skin from getting chapped. Probably some very important people are there in the back room. "We may unexpectedly get acquainted with the aristocracy in a place like this!"

They rubbed some cream from the jar on their faces and hands then took their socks off and rubbed it on their feet as well. Even so, there was still some left, they both ate some secretly, pretending to be rubbing it on their faces.

それから大急ぎで扉をあけると、その裏側には、 「クリームをよく塗りましたか、耳にもよく塗りましたか」


ここの主人はじつに用意周到だね。」 「ああ、細かいとこまでよく気がつくよ。










Then they opened the door in a great hurry and on the other side said:

"Did you put on plenty of cream? On your ears too?" was written and there was another smaller jar of cream here. "Oh yes, I didn't put it on my ears. My skin could have chapped.

The owner of this place is really well-prepared.’

"Yes, he's got an eye for every little detail.

Incidentally, I really want to get something to eat soon but we can't do anything about it if this corridor keeps going on.

Then they saw the next door in front of them.

"The meal will be ready soon. We won't keep you waiting as much as fifteen minutes. Will be ready to eat soon. Please sprinkle the perfume in this bottle over your heads quickly.”

And in front of the door there was a shiny gold bottle of perfume. The two splashed the perfume on their heads.

However, the perfume smelled suspiciously like vinegar.

"This perfume smells weirdly like vinegar. What's up with that?”

"They've made a mistake. The maid must have had a cold or something and put this in by mistake."

The two opened the door and went inside.




「たくさんの注文というのは、向こうがこっちへ注文してるんだよ。 だからさ、西洋料理店というのは、ぼくの考えるところでは、西洋料理を、来た人に食べさせるのではなくて、 来た人を西洋料理にして、食べてやるうちということなんだ。

「にげ……。」 がたがたしながら一人の紳士はうしろの戸を押そうとしましたが、どうです、戸はもう一分も動きませんでした。

On the back side of the door a notice in large letters read:

"It must have been annoying how many orders there were. I feel sorry for you. This is the last one. Please put lots of the salt from the jar all over your body and rub it in well.”

A fine blue ceramic salt jar made in Seto was indeed standing there, but this time both gentlemen were alarmed, and looked at each other's faces covered with lots of cream.

"This is very strange."

"I think it's strange too."

"'Lots of orders' means they're giving us orders.

What I'm trying to say is - I think what they mean by 'Western-style restaurant' is that instead of serving Western-style cooking to guests, their guests are cooked as Western-style food and they intend to eat us.

This, um, s, s, s, s, so, w, w, w, we. . .,"

He shook, trembled and chattered so much that he couldn't speak anymore.
"R, ru-"

Still trembling, one of the gentlemen tried to push at the door behind him but much to their dismay, the door didn't even budge.


さあさあ、おなかにお入りください。」" と書いてありました。




「あたりまえさ。親分の書きようがまずいんだ。 あそこへ、いろいろ注文が多くてうるさかったでしょう、


「それはそうだ。けれどももしここへあいつらが入ってこなかったら、それはぼくらの責任 だぜ。」

「呼ぼうか、呼ぼう。おい、お客さん方、早くいらっしゃい。いらっしゃい。いらっしゃ い。



At the other end was yet another door with two big keyholes and a silver knife and fork carved on it and a notice that read:

"Well, thank you for your hard work and efforts. You look very well done. Come now, please get inside.”

Making matters worse, two pairs of blue eyes were peeking at them through the keyholes.

"Oh no," trembling and chattering. Then the two started to cry.

Just then they heard someone whispering behind the door:

"It’s no good. They've already realized it. It seems like they won't rub in the salt."

"Duh. The boss’s way of writing was bad. Like over there: 'We gave you so many orders and it must have been annoying' 'I feel sorry for you'...all such stupid things.”

"Whatever. He won't even share bones with us anyway.

"You have a point. But if they won't come in here, we’ll get blamed."

"Should we call out to them? Yeah, we should. Hey, good sirs, come in quickly. Come in, come in."

"Come in, come in. Or is it that you don't like salad? In that case, I could start up a fire now and fry you if you’d like. Just come in quickly."

The two gentlemen were in a state of utter distress, trembling with fear and weeping silently as they looked at each other and saw each other’s faces wrinkling up like crumpled pieces of wastepaper.


「いらっしゃい、いらっしゃい。 そんなに泣いてはせっかくのクリームが流れるじゃありませんか。



鍵穴の眼玉はたちまちなくなり、犬どもはううとうなってしばらく部屋の中をくるくるまわっていましたが、 また一声「わん。」と高く吠えて、いきなり次の扉に飛びつきました。



見ると、上着や靴や財布やネクタイピンは、 あっちの枝にぶらさがったり、こっちの根もとにちらばったりしています。

On the other side of the door they chuckled and then shouted again:

"Come in, come in. If you cry so much, you'll wash off all the cream you put on for us!
Yes, sir, coming, sir. We'll be bringing it in a moment sir. Now, come in quickly." “Come in already! The boss has his napkin tucked in with his knife in his hand, and he's licking his lips waiting for you, good sirs.

The two gentlemen just wept and wept and wept and wept.

Then, all of a sudden, behind them they heard 'Woof, woof, grr!' and the two polar bear-like dogs burst through the door and jumped into the room.

The eyes behind the keyhole disappeared in an instant. The dogs snarled and paced around the room for a while but then with another ‘woof!’ they suddenly jumped at the next door.

The door banged open, and the dogs vanished inside as if they got sucked in.

From the pitch darkness beyond the door they heard the voice "Meow, hiss, purr" and then a rustling sound.

The room vanished in a puff of smoke, and the two gentlemen found themselves standing in the grass and shivering in the cold.

Looking around, they saw their coats and boots, wallets and tie pins were hanging from the branches over there or were scattered around the roots of the trees here.

風がどうと吹いてきて、草はざわざわ、 木の葉はかさかさ、木はごとんごとんと鳴りました。







A gust of wind blew, the grass swished, the leaves rustled and the trees creaked and screeched.

The dogs came back, panting.

From behind they heard a voice shouting: 'Gentlemen! Gentlemen!'.

Feeling better right away, they shouted: "Hey, hey! We're over here. This way, come quickly!"

The two gentlemen finally breathed a sigh of relief as they saw their hunter-guide in a straw cape coming toward them through the rustling grass.

And so, they ate the dumplings that their guide brought with him, and on the way down the mountain they bought a pheasant and returned to Tokyo.

However, even after the two gentlemen returned to Tokyo, and even after they took a bath, their wrinkled up faces never went back to normal again.