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Third Quarter Tourney of Champions SATURDAY OCT 14 2023, 4:00 PM ET.
Third Quarter Tourney of Champions SATURDAY OCT 14 2023, 4:00 PM ET. Posted by ChrisCrossed (moderator) Oct 9 2023 9:47PM THE 1st and 2nd Place WINNERS FROM JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER 2023, are all eligible for entry into the TOURNEY OF CHAMPS for 3RD Quarter tourney winners. This tourney WILL BE A D/E 1 PT TOURNEY FOR 10 TIX ENTRY FEE. IT WILL BE HELD SATURDAY OCTOBER 14, 2023 AT 4 PM ET. In order to play in this, you must have taken 1st or 2nd place in a tournament during the 3RD quarter of 2023. (July, August, September) 1st place winner will receive 30 added tix from webs, and 2nd place winner will receive 15 added tix from webs. This is in addition to the normal tourney payouts. Note: IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR NAME, YOU MUST CHANGE IT BACK TO MATCH WHAT IS POSTED HERE IN ORDER TO PLAY IN THE TOURNEY There were 460 tournaments played in this 3rd quarter of 2023, and here are the 51 first and 2nd place winners. Hope to see you at the TOC! 221bBakerSt Alande Angelicus69 Arthur_P bb5hh bowenmaine bruja55 Cantuvio chillpill clobianco coco72 daniedix DocGT2 dogmutha emilys0 fluffinator GammonOphil Granach HAPPY_GG humptydumpty99 Hypnotic1 Ica_23 itskruse9 JMal33 kiwisport LSJUMB McKenna mechetobamse mishahz MishinMiM47 Nakkido nutumba OliviaSP Paulaoops Pearle PINC_ENERGY pk0007 Raven roki55 sage33 salvadofra Sattar1 Sophia1 Stk777 sudamericaXV Teacupgin tgo5858 thediceman UMWolverine Warspite Xaja1234 |

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