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List of grandmasters internatinal masters and class A to B players in real life in Game colony
List of grandmasters internatinal masters and class A to B players in real life in Game colony Posted by White_Phoenix Nov 25 2007 6:12AM Okay i need some help with some info, are there any real life players who have titles or have ratings over 1800 fide? I know that mr aleman is 1780 ish but are there any titled players that come here often? Belfast Bishop,Pitbull what;s your pro rating and do you have any titles?Same question goes to all you "elite" chess players out there. Hello White_Phoenix Posted by MrAleman (VIP) Nov 26 2007 6:45AM Actually my ELO rating works out at roughly 2150. However this is nothing like GrandMaster Standard who tend to have ratings of about 2500 or more. The best players i've seen on GC over the last couple of years would be Belfast Bishop, Mughetti, Sir Durs and GM of Puppets. hello White_Phoenix Posted by tactical_player Jul 27 2008 9:54AM I would certainly agree with Mr Aleman Sir Durs GM of Puppets, and Mughetti are amazing players, however there are others. PS: Mr Aleman whats your actually BCF or ECF grading because I always see differernt things. Hi Posted by MrAleman (VIP) Aug 14 2008 11:48AM My BCF rating which has just come out is 185... That equates to 2175 as an ELO rating. This is based on around 10 officially graded games in the last year. People like Nigel Short and Michael Adams are graded around 250. In my opinion.... Posted by IndoDro Jul 14 2009 11:13PM ...the best EVER at gamecolony would have to be KingLoek. He hasnt been here in years though. He is GM Loek van Wely who at the time was rated 12th in the world. Most GM's,IM's and what not, will not say who they are or what there elo is, he was very open about it. GM_Online is another real GM, Wrath_of_GM is another GM who has not been here in a long time. I guy named Financetto, which is just bad english for Fianchetto, was the first IM at gamecolony a long time ago. What about me? Posted by GM_Back Jul 21 2009 2:07PM Hello I am a master and I am only just starting but I will be a regular and probably one of the best too. Ratings Posted by White_Phoenix Aug 2 2009 9:46AM Ive met and played with Borat Sadgidev a retired FM, he's a nice guy and amateurs can be glad to know if they claim a scalp! I wonder if Zzona and the other 2900s+ are in real life super gms? that would be cool... As for me... My IM coach George Xie says my rating is around 1800-1850 which makes me a first category player. I remembered when I was around 1300 here and now im approximately 2100+! all in around 3 years. This site is great to test out opening theories for serious tournaments and fast games for fun What I find though and Im sure some people will agree with me , is that this site is 200-300 points overated from their actual fide rating or national rating. For example a consistent 2000 with an all time high of 2200 in 5 minute blitz would be 1800 -2000 fide ish while a 2000 in 1 minute will be around 1600-1700ish. Thanks to Indo Dro for the info you must be an old player here! I also notice (im just rambling here), that there is a physchological barrier of 2000 where some people find difficult to pass.Same thing with me though ive passed 2000 i remebered whenever i got close to the mark ( around 1980ish)I would shake like crazy and be nervous. I guess after you consistently get to 1900 you get to relax a bit and eventually do get over the mark.What im saying is, have respect for those who are 2000 they mastered the nerves! Also thats why some people will stop playing after they get to 2000, the nerves will rattle them. I wonder.. Posted by kosin_2008 (VIP) Nov 10 2009 11:48AM Is anyone here knows Monster? He is very good player too. I am first category in Serbia. But here I can play "free style", to test opening. And category means nothing when you play serious. Like in karate...real "fight" ask from you to "survive" and category then means really nothing! GM-s show their strenght just then... When will be any tournament? Posted by kosin_2008 (VIP) Nov 23 2009 6:44AM I will play tournament but there is no one. Why? Real life ratings Posted by ninjapocalypse Nov 1 2011 5:06PM Hi, I played bullet chess for years on here, 50,000 games in all. I have been up to 6 on the ladder and have beaten anyone on the ladder in bullet chess. after years of gamecolony i entered USCF and came out of my provisional period at just under 1800. I stick to bullet chess. censorship? Posted by ninjapocalypse Nov 9 2011 12:44PM when I wrote the above forum reply it said " just under 1800. No great chess here. I stick to bullet chess." i would just delete my post if i could, i would never want my words omitted or otherwise twisted. thanks. REALLY Posted by 1fairview Feb 16 2012 10:12PM Who talks like this....."Hello I am a master and I am only just starting but I will be a regular and probably one of the best too." let your game speak for itself, what are you looking for? a self-esteem boost! help Posted by ekena777 Nov 10 2012 3:55AM Give the girl a ticket who do not mind))))))) Hi Posted by MrAleman (VIP) Dec 20 2012 11:14AM Is anyone here knows Monster? He is very good player too. I am first category in Serbia. But here I can play "free style", to test opening. And category means nothing when you play serious. Like in karate...real "fight" ask from you to "survive" and category then means really nothing! GM-s show their strenght just then... Yes I played Monster for cash games, he seems good but I think i've got the edge ;) |

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