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The ladder rule in tournies; What is the point?

The ladder rule in tournies; What is the point?
Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Feb 23 2022 8:25AM

All tournies are played under ladder conditions. If someone sets a table with the ladder box ticked; who cares? 2 ladders don't make a non ladder or a double ladder match; so what difference does it make?

Posted by ImDerc (VIP) Feb 25 2022 9:21AM

I often fall victim to the worthless rule & am told by the TD's I have set the table wrong. Other times it goes unnoticed, but the end result is always the same because it is an irrelevant rule either way. I never set a table in the tourney hall & deliberately click the ladder button. I just fall foul of the rule often when I have a table set in the main hall & then leave there & need to set a table & forget to change it when I start playing a tourney. I can own that flaw, but it's just frustrating when either TD's or players don't understand the greater picture & demand I reset the table. It makes me feel as if I am being accused of trying to cheat somehow; instead of the truth which it is an accident & completely irrelevant anyway.

Ladder Box in Tourney sets
Posted by ChrisCrossed Feb 26 2022 12:47AM

Hi ImDerc - Concerning the ladder box... whether it is a worthless rule is not something that can be determined by us as individual TD's or here in the Forum. Though, I do apologize to you for the TD's not all being consistent with tourney operations. We are given rules in our operations manuals, and rules to run in the tourney rooms to be sure that operations are consistent. Those were all recently revised, and the old rules we posted before tourneys specified that the ladder box should not be selected, as it is preset by the TD. The NEW ones, which I am sure you have seen as often as we have, give only one time that the players can select the ladder box. RULE 1-------> ADDITIONAL TICKETS MAY BE PLAYED IF BOTH AGREE. THE LADDER BOX CAN BE CHECKED IF PLAYING FOR EXTRA TICKETS. Again, it is not up to us to decide the value of a specific rule, it is just up to us to see that those specific rules are followed. Absolutely no one is accusing you or anyone of cheating, and we know it comes from playing in Main vs. playing in the tourney rule. OUR greater picture is trying to keep things consistent to the rules we are given for tourney operation. Accidental yes, we do understand that. Completely irrelevant we cannot answer, we can only do our job as instructed. The relevance is a separate issue, which perhaps you could address via Contact Us to the Webmasters.

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