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Dominoes Tournaments...

Dominoes Tournaments...
Posted by MagicGames (TD) Nov 2 2006 8:47PM

If anyone has time -----There has been a few requests for some Dominoes tourneys either 7:30 or 8:30pm weeknights. IF TDs could share the 5 days they might become a regular event and build the Dominoes up. Willow has agreed to take every wednesday night at 8:30pm. I will take one night for sure --just not sure which one but if someone else would like to pick a day maybe 5 of us can host these as well as any other times. A regular tourney every night at one of those times would have them look forward to them. Tourneys can be anytime but a regular set area of time will be assured once established like HR tuorneys in crib and gin. Any comments would be welcome. TY

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