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Play Ladder or Tix.

Play Ladder or Tix.
Posted by How_VV3_ROll (VIP) Mar 11 2007 4:58AM

I see plenty of people playing, some with very good ratings, and they wont join the ladder. In my opinion, if you can't play for tix, you should be playing ladder. I ask people all the time why don't you join the ladder and I get no reply. Just wondering if most people look at the ranking ( which means very little to me ) instead of things that are more important.

play ladder or tix
Posted by blindjoe (VIP) May 9 2007 9:36AM

i think people dont understand what a ladder is so they dont click the button when making a table so they rely on their rating to judge their skill level. which is not a valid way to judge your skill the ladder if we all used it would show whos really on top or bottom so just say yes to ladder game and we can really see who has "bragging rights" have a good game

play us
Posted by Mike1989 Jul 10 2007 2:42PM

People without tickets very rarely get the chance to play the low ladder ratings because most of the time you want to play players with tickets which is understandable, but gives us chances and there probably will be more ladder players.

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