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open tables

open tables
Posted by mmarkdso (VIP) May 21 2006 7:00AM

why do people open tables,and then are not there when you try to join them.

worried about rating
Posted by eyemac (VIP) May 21 2006 1:04PM

good point mate. It has been suggested before that these people make their tables invitation only and choose their opponent. Unfortunately it seems as if it is easier to ignore people who should come to the table for a game. Not good sport! If you are selective in whom you want to play(and it is the individuals choice), make your table invitation only. Theres nothing worse than being ignored all because your rating or standard of play has been deemed not be good enough by your potential opponent. This is a games should be quit worrying about the impact on your rating, coz its only a number :) Good day all

Rating warrior..... I mean worrier <Grin>
Posted by DottiPage (VIP) Jun 1 2006 11:37PM

Ditto-- I'd keep my day (or night) job

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