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Posted by COLT (VIP) Jun 8 2006 7:14PM

Hello , all I am just posting to let everyone no who I am . Name : Colt Age : 21 I am married I have 2 kids. 1 boy 1 girl. I started out on this site when it opened. I hope to be around more. Colt :)

HI !
Posted by toshka Jun 10 2006 2:28PM

Hiya, nice to meet you Colt & WOW! You people really marry young!

Gaming Pisces = Cribizen
Posted by gaming_pisces Jun 16 2006 7:56PM

Hey Colt, this is Cribizen! You asked in the lobby if it was me and I was answering you but you didn't see it. Then when you came to my table I was speaking to you, but for some reason you didn't see it either. Wow fancy seeing you here. Last time we connected you only had 1 child. Do you still play with Cases or Rankmonsters? I only play on here now. No leagues anymore. Hope I get a chance to say hi when you are on next.

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