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Tournament of Champions: MEANING
Tournament of Champions: MEANING Posted by 1okaylady (TD) Jun 28 2006 2:43PM The tournament of champions tourneys that are held the last weekend of each month, are by invitation only..... In order to qualify, YOU MUST HAVE WON A TOURNEY IN THE PREVIOUS MONTH.... So in order to play a toc, you have to win a tourney,,,,,,no top money players, no top of the ladder....JUST EVERYDAY TOURNEY WINNERS.... AND ANYONE CAN QUALIFY......BUT YOU MUST PLAY TO WIN AND BE INVITED..... PLEASE READ THE FORUM...... for the qualifying list of players each month and come play if you can.....I'm trying to keep the tourneys at the same time each month on the last weekend of each month..... Please DON'T call us names if you enter and are not will get all of your tix back too..... LET'S ALL BE GOOD SPORTS AND ENJOY THE FRIENDLY COMPETITION |
$Ticket Tounaments
$Ticket Tounaments