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Reluctance to play a lower ranking player

Reluctance to play a lower ranking player
Posted by annied (VIP) Jan 11 2007 9:34PM

I play a number of games at GC. I find that the higher ranking players at Gin Rummy are highly reluctant to play someone with a lower ranking than they have. The players either kick a player out of the room or ignore the player. What is the point of playing if not to prove yourself good enough to play all players? I have been told by some that they don't want to risk there ranking... Most other players at Dominoes and Cribbage do not exhibit such behavior. Still I love playing Gin Rummy the most. Please Gin players lighten up and give all of us a chance.

Reluctance to play a lower ranking player
Posted by DottiPage (VIP) Jan 12 2007 4:25PM

I so totally agree. I'm not sure if the 'ranking' matters that much anyhow considering players are rewarded in accordance to what "place" their in. My ranking probably stays low because I play anyone that comes to my table... thats the challenge of the game. I would suggest if you are that worried about your "ranking" you create a private table and invite who you are willing to play and save the rest of us a lot of time-- thanks for the format to speak out---- dots

Thank you Dots!
Posted by annied (VIP) Jan 14 2007 10:44PM

I afraid we are "singing to choir", but I hope the word gets out and all the gin 'snobs' play at invite only tables. I too love the challenge of playing anyone who comes along, but I notice that most high rankers don't want to play. Just thought I would see if it was just me or if other noticed the snubs. annied

reluctance to play lower ranked player
Posted by birddogharve (VIP) Jan 20 2007 5:18AM

annie you might consider playing tourneys. there is a good mix of players of all rankings and we need more players. i know dotti plays a lot of tournaments and can tell you their is a wide range of players.

I agree with Birddogharve
Posted by Lindika (VIP) Jan 31 2007 11:45AM

I am relatively new to this site and think that Bird is right - the tournaments are friendly, there is a good ambience and banter inbetween games. Let the "SNOBS" just get on with it - they are the losers in the end - nobody will want to play them eventually. See you in the competitions soon. Regards LINDEKA

High ranking vs low ranking
Posted by CRoyal1103 May 10 2007 1:59PM

I tend to play with people that have a similar ranking to mine. If my ranking is high, I play with other high ranking players. If my ranking is low I tend to play with other low ranking players. I don't consider myself a loser or a snob. Afterall it's just a game and I play the way that I have the most fun. It would be unfair of me to call the low ranking people snobs because they only want to play high ranking people!

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