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Posted by MightBeTime_xyi (VIP) Nov 29 2008 3:10PM

Babe2004 has not been well and I wish her a speedy recovery. One the the "Fun" players who challenged in ladder in gin every month for years she has had to take a break and leave the top spots for everyone else. Babe is also an excellent BG player but has been MIA for a long while there. Take Care and hope u can come back for a few games whenever possible. GL

Get well my Friend
Posted by SCOPEMAN (TD) Nov 30 2008 10:11PM

Babe get well I miss you in my gin tourneys. Scopeman

Posted by Superheart (VIP) Dec 1 2008 5:16PM

Hey Babe, Get better soon and remember the best medicine is beating those wuss guys in the gin room tourneys ! Gabby aka Superheart

Hurry Back
Posted by BunieMa (TD) Dec 3 2008 9:36PM

Hey Babe, knew I have been missing you. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Look forward to your return...get well soon!

Saw You
Posted by Joker (TD) Dec 24 2008 7:14PM

Were beating me in majhong. Glad to see ya back. JOKER o(^*^)o

Babe 2004
Posted by sumdumdame (VIP) Feb 15 2009 8:54PM

Babe -- Until this minute, I haven't been to The Forum in a long time; but, have been concerned about you. So very sorry you've not been well, and hope you are now much improved. Hmmm... if you come back part-improved, I might have a chance winning! Looking forward to your return to Gin, and our great matches, and fun. With Prayers for your complete recovery, all the best your way ........Sum

Glad to see you
Posted by MagicGames (TD) Jul 15 2009 9:52AM

Hi Babe. Glad to see you are back occasionally. Pleasure to see names back again. GL in gin and backgammon and whatever else you play or played.

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