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A Change in Gin Ladder Rules

A Change in Gin Ladder Rules
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Jul 1 2009 7:35PM

As soon as Ladder prizes are disbursed, each of the Top Ten players will be dropped 100 ladder spots. (Previously a 10 rung drop was in place) The above rule change was implemented two weeks ago per suggestion of one of the players who is a regular in Top Twenty. We apologize not announcing the rule change earlier in Forum ahead of time. The reason for the rule change was very simple. After looking at Top Ten players over a 12 month period, we found that very frequently the same players were making Top Ten list month after month. Some of them found ways to stay in Top Ten that even though did not break any rules, were very 'creative'. We want all players to have a shot at making Top Ten and dropping the winners out of the 100 range was deemed to be a reasonable solution. If a player has good game skills, he/she would eventually make it back to Top Twenty while, at the same time, giving a chance of advancement to others. See full Ladder Rules <a href=/ladder_rules.shtml>HERE</a>

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