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BATTLE OF THE SEXES RESULTS Posted by NiceJammies (TD) Sep 16 2009 10:00PM in a very good match, starforce, representing the men won the battle of the sexes tourney against sumdumdame who rep;resented the ladies. \ we had a really good time and if you werent there, you missed out on this fun, we will do it again next month and hope everyone can play and have a really good time, it was a pleasure to host even though the ladies did not win this time. i will be back and next time the men may not be so fortunate, love, jammies BATTLE OF THE SEXES Posted by SCOPEMAN (TD) Sep 17 2009 6:55PM I would like to give Jammies real big Kudos. It was her idea and my pleasure to host the mens part of the tourney. We all talked alot of SMACK (good natured and fun). The lady's were very well represented and Sum played very very well. But lady's can't you see we're the best. Again a big thank you to Jammies and I would be honored to help out again so the men can do it again. SCOPEMAN ? Posted by SCOPEMAN (TD) Sep 25 2009 4:05PM Sorry Sum if you took my post the wrong way. You played a very good game. But this was battle of the sexes. The guys won. I would have posted the same if the lady's won Sorry for any hurt feelings SCOPEMAN Just wanted to Say Hello Nice Jammies!! (NJ) Posted by Novawinner (VIP) Oct 11 2009 4:53AM It's Nova NJ. I have recovered from a serious blood infection. Stah Ores... But dear, I am feeling better and actually getting stronger each and everyday!! Miss you! - Larry - aka Novawinner! Good to see.. Posted by MAB (moderator) Oct 11 2009 8:07AM Stay well Nova. You have been missed :) |
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