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4 FREE $Tickets for players with Android Phones or Tablets

4 FREE $Tickets for players with Android Phones or Tablets
Posted by webmaster (moderator) May 23 2012 11:59AM

<img src=/images/redstar.jpg>For players with Android Phones or Tablets: <B>LIMITED TIME OFFER!</B> Earn $Tickets by installing our FREE <b><i>'Backgammon GC'</i></b> Android app, trying it out and leaving a comment about it on Google Play You can install 'Backgammon GC' from Google Play on your Android phone or tablet. It's a really nice and high quality app! You will earn 4 Free $Tickets for a good rating and a nice :) comment in Google Play here : <a target=_blank href=>Backgammon GC at Google Play</a> with a few nice words about 'Backgammon GC'. To leave the comment there, you will have to download the app first to your Android device. For extra $ticket credit, you can add a nice comment about 'Backgammon GC' at one or more of the following forums:,,, and at <a target=_blank href=>Backgammon GC video</a> After you have added Google Play comments, etc., please let us know via 'Contact Us' and send to us the added links and your user name at that external site and we'll add $Tickets to your GameColony account. See also <a target=_blank href=/howto_earn.shtml>Other ways to earn $Tickets FREE</a>

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