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11pm tourney and Hi-Roller Tourney overlapping

11pm tourney and Hi-Roller Tourney overlapping
Posted by Charmeuse (VIP) Jan 6 2013 10:08PM

Hard for people to show up for both tourneys. Maybe you guys can consider moving hi-roller tourney to 10pm?

11PM tourney and Hi Roller tourney overlapping
Posted by Daisy (TD) Jan 7 2013 7:00PM

Hi Arale I will set the 11:00 PM gin tourney to 11:30 which should allow players to be able to play in both HR and 11:30 tourney . hope this will work for you and all the other players . I will reset mine as soon as possible . Thank you Daisy

Posted by Charmeuse (VIP) Jan 7 2013 9:35PM

Good to hear. Thank you so much.

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