Gin Rummy
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New Gin Rummy Apps & switching between Blue App & Green App & Java

New Gin Rummy Apps & switching between Blue App & Green App & Java
Posted by webmaster (moderator) May 13 2015 1:07PM

Gin Rummy can now be played using 3 different ginrummy apps: <IMG SRC=/images/cards-three-apps.jpg> The above app selection box is shown on top of gin rummy rooms' listings page. With 'Blue App' selected, subsequent selection of "Main Hall" will show gin rummy in blue-and-white and traditional non-patterned colors. With 'Green App' selected, subsequent selection of "Main Hall" will show gin rummy on modern patterned green background. With "Java" selected, subsequent selection of "Main Hall" will show an old-style Java applet for gin rummy that will work only if Java is installed correctly from

Help and Video for Blue/Green Gin Rummy Web Apps
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Jul 15 2015 2:19PM

See Help and Video for <A href=>Blue/Green Gin Rummy Web Apps</a>

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