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WTA (Winner Take All) or Not?

WTA (Winner Take All) or Not?
Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) Aug 24 2016 10:40PM

Well as most gin players can attest, I always ALWAYS agree to a WTA tournament when it presents itself. Tonight (and this has happened in the past quite frequently) all three players agreed to the WTA. I played a hard fought first match and won - only to have the waiting opponent register that it was me he had to face in his match. So like the coward he was (and I will not name names but easily could) he bolted. The TD apologizes profusely that she has no other option than to cancel the entire WTA tournament. A waste of my time, her time and I get no credit whatsoever for my prior win. Not a win on the ladder, not an advancement on the ladder should it have warranted it, NOTHING!!! So just to be clear to all GC players I will NO LONGER VOTE FOR A WTA!!! Not in here or any other room. Unless they can stop this unsportsmanlike behavior and penalize those who are at fault, I am left with no other alternative.

Posted by eg75218 (VIP) Aug 31 2016 9:41PM

If I agree to WTA, I'll be there, so take it on case by case by case basis, you and I have been here long enough to know who the sketchy buggers out there.

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